Certified quality

As the developer and manufacturer of pressure-resistant radial shaft seals for the automotive industry, the quality and reliability of our products is one of the basic requirements to ensure the satisfaction of our customers. Here the quality, price and schedule form a whole for us towards which every employee makes a significant contribution.

Zero-error quality according to the principle of "error avoidance instead of error correction" is our declared goal. Constant improvements in all products, processes and services are the prerequisites for our competitiveness and future viability. In this sense, we undertake to observe all customer, environmental and governmental demands and we aim to further optimise all business processes.

We are certified!

VR Automotive has developed an integrated management system that combines quality and environmental aspects. The so-called process structure, which is stored on a company-wide network, is constantly being further developed and optimised. All employees are thereby provided with access to current process sequences, procedural instructions and form sheets.

Our management system is certified according to IATF 16949. We produced according to IATF 16949 as standard.
This means that we have committed ourselves to perform regular, voluntary monitoring.

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